Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mokugift's 1000 Ways To Plant A Tree

Mokugift has launched a new campaign to showcase innovative companies using trees to reward and engage customers. Check out our press release for more details:

Friends of mokugift around the world

One of the greatest things about being a part of mokugift is finding out about people around the world getting involved with climate change or covering climate change. Check out these friends of ours:

Yes, we Care - Netherlands

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'A Real Tree' reviewed on PlentyWays!

Mokugift's 'A Real Tree' iphone app isn't the only green app on iphone to help you make your lifestyle more sustainable. PlentyWays just published a review of 'Top 5 Green & Environmental iPhone apps'. Our friends at 3rd Whale are also on the list. Check it out. 3 of the apps are free to download. PlentyWays give you plenty of ways to go green. Check out their shop for green products.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Growing City Urban Composting Solutions

Growing City Urban Composting Solutions chose mokugift as a holiday greeting and also gave mokugift a wonderful writeup.

Growing City offers composting solutions for businesses, offices and residential towers in Vancouver.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mokugift has been Nerd Stalked!

Failcon was awesome. We met many great companies and brave entrepreneurs that realize that understanding and embracing failure is how we become successful. Perseverance!

I met with Adolfo of Nerd Stalker, a video blog that interviews tech entrepreneurs. Check out Nerd Stalker for insightful interviews. Here is our video interview. Adolfo has nerd cred. He's actually typed/punched those old-school punch cards as a kid.