Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Be Green at our Be Green Forum. July 22nd, 2009 @ Temple

  • Every glass of champagne plants a tree!
  • Learn how rock-stars and athletes fight global warming with Mokugift!
  • Complimentary appetizers early in the evening!

8.30 pm, Q&A SESSION by San Francisco’ “green” companies
  • Mokugift: UN partner, plant a tree for $1 trees.mokugift.com
  • Viv: make impact by using Viv stickers at green businesses
  • Friends of the Urban Forest: urban forestry non-profit
  • PlantSense: Internet-enabled plant sensor


  • DRESS CODE - Chic and Elegant

MEDIA SUPPORT: Ubergizmo.com

  • Mokugift gives everyone the ability to plant a tree in Central America, Africa and Asia for $1. Mokugift trees can be planted as a gift for a friend and sent like an e-card. Mokugift is an official partner of the United Nations Environment Programme. Mokugift is also partnering with Viv and Friends of the Urban Forest to showcase local choices that you can make to fight climate change.
  • Viv enables consumers like you to help SF businesses become more green by simply using the Viv sticker every time you make a purchase at a Viv business. There are around 80 businesses participating in the Viv program, and more joining every month.
  • Friends of the Urban Forest is an urban forestry non-profit that plants trees on the streets you walk on in San Francisco.
  • San Francisco-based company PlantSense will introduce guests to the EasyBloom Plant Sensor, an innovative gardening tool that takes the guesswork out of gardening and helps conserve water. The unique Internet-enabled plant sensor recommends and monitors plants, and also alerts users when they’re overwatering their greens, preventing water, energy and money from being wasted.

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