Monday, December 10, 2007

Making a difference every day.

Vanessa is a blogger and a journalist at a major Canadian newspaper called the National Post.
She has taken on the challenge to "Spend each day, for an entire calendar year, doing one thing that betters the environment." This is definately inspiration by leading or as Ghandi would say 'be the change you want to see in the world'. Vanessa keeps each change going on for the rest of the year, so its not just a one day aberration. Check out her blog at

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mention in the Bivings Report

The Bivings Report (TBR) is a blog with news, insight, research and analysis on the web-based communications industry. Their consultants have put a lot of thought into their posts. A wide range of staff from developers to strategists post on their blog. We were lucky enough to be covered on their post about This Season's Tech-Inspired Philanthropic Christmas Gifts.

webware mentions mokugift!

We are a bit late on mentioning this one, but better late than never. Webware wrote a blog post about holiday gift recommendations. Webware is a Cnet blog about the latest and greatest in consumer internet services.

mokugift mentioned on ReadyMade

ReadyMade is one of our favorite magazines. We didn't even know that they had a blog. This world is full of great surprises. ReadyMade is a fun magazine for people that like to make stuff. Pick up a copy, and they will get your creative juices flowing. Here is the post in ReadyMade Blog about mokugift.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

moku-coins: the currency of mokugift

Some of you have noticed that we launched moku-coins. moku-coins are mokugifts currency that can be used to purchase eTrees.

We created moku-coins to help you save money and time. So instead of going to Amazon checkout and using your credit card for each eTree purchase, you can just hit send and use moku-coins from your account. We are pricing eTrees at 1 moku-coin for 1 eTree. You can still use your credit card for each eTree purchase, but purchasing moku-coins also saves you money. Buying 10 moku-coins saves you enough to buy an extra eTree. You can save up to 25% when you buy moku-coins in large volumes.

Please tell us what you think.

mokugift mentioned in San Francisco Chronicle

Ellen Lee of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote a story about online gifts . It is a great article that includes many different view points. We were happy to be interviewed and mentioned in the article that appeared on the front page. They used an image of our rabbit. The rabbit is nameless, so feel free to suggest a name.

The story was picked up by The Columbus Dispatch also!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

eTree opening experience on YouTube

We uploaded a video to YouTube to let more people know how the eTree receiving experience goes. Check it out:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mokugift Team gets 1,000 eTrees!

Everyone did such a great job in order to launch mokugift right on schedule. I'm so excited about the launch!

I've just bought the team 1,000 eTrees to celebrate, and also a kick start for!

mokugift is launched!

We are proud to announce the launch of mokugift, an environmentally beneficial online gifting service.

You can use mokugift to celebrate the holiday season by sending eTrees. For every eTree purchased, mokugift will plant a tree in the real world. We have partnered with Sustainable Harvest International, a non-profit organization that plants trees in tropical deforested regions while empowering the local communities about education about sustainable agriculture.

When you receive an eTree it gets placed on your e-Island webapge on You can also embed the e-Island onto other sites that let you paste code.

Have fun and please tell us what you think.